Many Australian homeowners have chain driven garage openers fitted which are perfectly adequate. Unfortunately, they tend to be quite noisy when they are in operation as the chains themselves clunk and clink together as the motor is moving them to open the door itself. This makes them less than perfect in many people's view, especially if there is a child's bedroom above the garage itself.
A less noisy option is to fit a screw drive mechanism to open your garage door instead. These systems are certainly quieter than chain driven ones but they do still generate a good deal of noise. In addition, screw drive mechanisms are not always best if you have a particularly heavy garage door, certainly if you have a double-sized garage to open. Even if the door in question can be opened by your screw thread mechanism, then you will find that it wears down if it is constantly lifting a heavy weight and, consequently, needs to be replaced after a few years.
Therefore, garage owners should consider a belt driven garage door opener instead. What are their key features?
Low-Noise Operation
Belt driven garage door openers make use of a rubber belt system to operate. This drives the trolley which all such openers use to open and close the door itself. Crucially, the belt is constructed from materials which are efficient in driving the trolley without making a great deal of unwanted sound. Typically, fibreglass, plastic polymers and reinforced rubber are used. Of all the possible systems you could opt for, these are the quietest while running.
Because the belts that are used with this type of garage opening mechanism are robust, they will last a long time. Although they are no tougher than chains, they will usually last for a similar amount of time before they need to be replaced, certainly outlasting most screw drive mechanisms. However, when a belt needs to be swapped out for a new one, it is likely to cost more than a simple chain mechanism.
Belt Drive Downsides
Given their reliability and relatively quiet operation, there are few downsides to fitting a belt driven opener to your garage door. The only real negative point is that they are more expensive than other options, both in terms of initial outlay and ongoing upkeep when the belt has come to the end of its working life. However, in many people's eyes, they are the best system available today, which means they are worth paying that little extra for.